The 72 Well Microbatch Plate consists of a 6 by 12 well layout. Paraffin, Silicon, or Al’s Oil is poured into the trough area of the plate, submerging all 72 wells under oil. Sample and reagent are then pipetted into each of the wells. The plate is available as a plasma-treated, hydrophilic version for screening or an untreated, hydrophobic version for optimization. The hydrophilic version gives better liquid handling with small volumes, while the hydrophobic version reduces crystal nucleation and helps to prevent the crystals from sticking to the plastic.
• Plate dimensions: 83.3 mm x 58.0 mm x 10.0 mm• Conical well with 11 µl drop volume• Flat bottom well diameter: 1.3 mm• Supplied with cover
美国Hampton Research公司是蛋白质晶体研究方面的专家,是一个从事蛋白质晶体研究研制的专业公司,为全球科研人员提供晶体研究工具和试剂,完整的晶体培养体系;同时提供晶体设计和合成方面的服务。其提供的试剂长期以来在该领域居于领先地位,为广大研究人员提供了极大的方便,促进了蛋白质晶体的研究,为世界范围内的蛋白质晶体研究人员所信赖。